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Microsoft Boosts A.I. Efforts with Investment in No Code App Builder Startup

technologies News

In a perplexing move, Microsoft has invested an unspecified sum in, a London-based startup that specializes in a "no-code" and "low-code" platform for app development without requiring coding experience. The collaboration will involve integrating's AI assistant, Natasha, into Microsoft's Teams software, enabling customers to create business apps within the platform. What's more, will gain access to Microsoft's Azure cloud tools and a range of AI services from OpenAI, while developers on Azure will be able to leverage's network of experts. This partnership seems to be a burst of innovation that could have significant implications for the future of app development.

Empowering Non-Technical Customers to Build and Manage Apps

Microsoft's latest move is an aggressive push to bolster its AI efforts, which have become a central focus for the tech giant in its quest to establish itself as a leader in the field., on the other hand, represents a growing trend of startups offering platforms that enable even the most tech-averse users, from artists to design professionals, to create and manage applications. "We firmly believe that the future of

software will be one where customers don't have to possess technical skills," exclaimed Sachin Dev Duggal, CEO of The partnership between Microsoft and has the potential to be a game-changer in the world of app development. As's CEO stated, they are essentially merging a world where customers can build, operate, and host software, which could have significant implications for the future of the industry. The sudden explosion of innovation resulting from this partnership is certainly exciting and could lead to a major shift in how software applications are developed and managed.

Collaboration Fuelled by Azure AI to Empower Businesses Worldwide

Microsoft has formed a strategic partnership with that not only gives the tech giant access to a new, digitally native customer base, but also allows it to tap into the core components of both companies' stacks. The ultimate goal, according to Jon Tinter, Corporate Vice President of Business Development at Microsoft, is to enable the creation of the next 100 million software applications. Tinter went on to state that is creating a completely new category that empowers everyone

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to become a developer, and that the collaboration between the two companies, fueled by Azure AI, will bring a potent combination of capabilities to businesses all over the world. This explosive partnership could potentially transform the landscape of app development.

Endorsement from World’s Second-Most Valuable Tech Company

The CEO of, Sachin Dev Duggal, has stressed the importance of Microsoft's endorsement, citing it as a crucial component of the partnership. He emphasized that when pitching to large enterprises, having the backing of the world's second most valuable tech company gives them a significant edge in terms of competency. This advantage, according to Duggal, provides enormous leverage for both parties and benefits their go-to-market strategy. has already secured $195 million in funding and is one of several startups that are reaping the benefits of renewed investor interest in AI technology. This deal seems to be a sudden surge of innovation that could transform the landscape of app development.

Concerns over the Power of A.I.

Despite growing concerns about the exponential growth of AI technology, with tech luminaries such as Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak calling

for a moratorium on developing AI more powerful than OpenAI's GPT-4, Microsoft has forged ahead with its investment in This move demonstrates the company's unwavering commitment to propelling the AI industry forward and pitting itself against rivals like Google in the search market. It remains to be seen whether this partnership will amplify or alleviate concerns about the risks associated with the unchecked growth of AI. This is an intriguing development that could potentially have far-reaching implications for the future of the industry.

Microsoft is ramping up its efforts to become a leader in the no-code app development space by teaming up with In addition to its own suite of no-code app development tools, Microsoft is seeking to advance its expertise in this area by leveraging the power of Azure AI and tapping into's extensive knowledge. With this strategic partnership, Microsoft is poised to empower businesses and non-technical users across the globe to build and manage their own software applications. The potential for this collaboration to revolutionize the app development landscape is certainly intriguing and could have far-reaching implications.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan